Sunday, August 7, 2011

Knitting and Moving

Moving makes knitting (and writing about knitting) hard. Well moving, in addition to getting ready for two back to back science conferences that I'm presenting at, makes knitting hard. It's not something I'd like to repeat but I'm sure is going to happen again considering Partner and I are going into a field where we won't set roots down for another 5 years - if we are lucky.

But what I found out this time around is that knitting makes moving easier! Besides it's usual stress relieving abilities for me, the first thing Partner and I realized when we moved in was we needed a bath mat. I'd already been trying to figure out what to do with the Tee-shirt yarn I made back in February...

Tee-shirt Yarn made in February when I had ample leisure time.

...when I realized as I was wiping up a spill with the shirt I was wearing that Tee-shirts are super absorbent.

After a couple of false starts I relented and pulled down one of my many stitch dictionaries and looked for a pattern that would lay flat but still look "fancy." I settled on the "Linen Ridge Stitch" from Vogue Knitting Stitchionary Volume 1. As I was working the bath mat I realized I liked the way the wrong side looked better than the linen ridges of the right side. So this is what I ended up with.

In the end, while moving sucks for knitting, this move was definitely worth it. This is the view from one of the routes I walk the dog on.

Of course now that things are settling down (gotta love quarter systems, means I get one more month of summer break), I'll hopefully have time to knit and write again.

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