Sunday, August 7, 2011

Baby Mania

I turn 30 this month. While I shudder to think that my life mimics that of a 20 year-old (except of course that I can buy my own alcohol...and drink responsibly) the lives of my friends are not as stunted as mine. (Really, I wouldn't mind turning 30 except I'd always pictured my life at 30 being more settled - married, baby, house, the average 2.5 member American family dream in the works.)

Four of my married friends are having their first babies. Two just bought houses, one already owns a house, and the other is in graduate school, like me, but has figure out how to have the family and go to school at the same time. They are all wonderful people, and I wish I had my shit together as well as they did. But 30 is still young enough. I'll start worrying if I'm at the same place as now when I'm 40.

Knitting and Moving

Moving makes knitting (and writing about knitting) hard. Well moving, in addition to getting ready for two back to back science conferences that I'm presenting at, makes knitting hard. It's not something I'd like to repeat but I'm sure is going to happen again considering Partner and I are going into a field where we won't set roots down for another 5 years - if we are lucky.

But what I found out this time around is that knitting makes moving easier! Besides it's usual stress relieving abilities for me, the first thing Partner and I realized when we moved in was we needed a bath mat. I'd already been trying to figure out what to do with the Tee-shirt yarn I made back in February...

Tee-shirt Yarn made in February when I had ample leisure time.