Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tee-Shirt Yarn!

Today, Partner and I were talking about garage sales and old clothes in prep for my move to the Bay Area. I'd already had three paper bags full of clothes I was planning on donating so we dragged them out to double check them. As I was going through them I realized a lot of my old shirts were pretty much crap - not even donation worthy. They had holes and stains and were misshapen from too many times in the washer and dryer. Truthfully, I think they were mostly in the bags because I didn't want these shirts in my closet anymore. These shirts became a pile on the floor. The pile on the floor became tee-shirt yarn.

I tried to conserve as much as possible, so the arms of long sleeve shirts were also stripped and pulled. The only downside of this was that all 10 of my shirts and tanks were done in the rib stitch so none of them curled on themselves like they were suppose to. Still they should make a nice rug when I have the time to knit them up.

Because I don't have and have never seen size 19 needles or bigger in circulars these will probably be knit into strips and the strips sewn together for the rug. But the nice thing about that is that I'll be able continually add strips as I wear the shirts still in my closet to rags.

For a tutorial on tee-shirt yarn check this out.


  1. I really want to try this sometime- I have plenty of old tees I don't wear!

    star-crossed smile

  2. @Nnenna - Thanks for posting. Making the yarn is really fun. I've also made a scarf from T-shirt yarn. You can find the images on my ravelry page! I used size 19 needles to make it.
