Monday, May 30, 2011

Braided Cap - Mixing childhood and adulthood

My real life took over for a while and I had to put knitting on the back burner since early April. In the last two months I've probably only knitted 20 hours. That's in comparison to my 3-5 hours a night on a typical night just before I had to set-up and run experiments so I can graduate.

Just before all the chaos with experiments started I ran into an old friend of mine who was going to start working up in the Sierra Nevadas soon. I love giving gifts that are useful. And I'd been looking for an excuse to once-again try to incorporate my childhood love of braiding into a cap. So old-friend gave me that excuse. I'd tried a couple of other times, but I just kept getting the cables wrong. Finally I was able to get it to look the way I meant it.